After many months "off" of blogging, I'm back at it. I have many reasons for letting things slide since I started this blog almost a year ago. The major one is a bummer, to put it mildly. My sweet granddaughter, Lily, relapsed with leukemia last fall - after over 5 years of being off treatment from the first go round. There was such a minuscule chance of relapse happening after that long off treatment - but still, it happened. She will go through over two years of treatment. I hate that her childhood and now teen years have been so affected by cancer. However, as we all learn, there are things we cannot control. I would take the cancer for her if I only could. I can't, though, and so all I can do is be there for her and for my other granddaughters and for my children.
And while I have certainly painted since then, I just haven't had the heart to write much about it. So I will do some catching up here about projects I've done in the past few month. I've taken some art classes and had some art lessons. I've painted a good bit - trying new techniques and styles.
What got me back to blogging was reading and thinking about daily painting - painting small sizes, with limited content - and daily. Alla prima - completed in one session. By not investing a lot of time and effort into each painting, the artist is able to do more experimentation, and thus learns what works and what doesn't work much more quickly. I will grow into my "style" of painting more quickly as well. I read recently that an artist must paint regularly for at least three years before even beginning to discover his/her own unique style. If that is true, then I'd best get busy!
One of my favorite paintings so far is a small painting of a Carolina Wren. I have it hanging in my newly designed upstairs art studio.
"Carolina Wren" - oil on 5 x 7 canvas panel, February 2017 |
It's on a small 5 x 7 canvas panel. I like the background of this painting - the bright colors make me happy. He a chubby little wren - peering out at the world with new eyes and planning his adventures. I like it! This little Carolina Wren is the first painting I'm willing to sell. It's original, and I like it.
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